NUFORC UFO Sighting 118604
Occurred: 2015-04-18 21:15 LocalReported: 2015-04-24 08:34 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Toronto (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
2 orange-red orbs or a cylinder with litted ends although no apparent connection between ends
I was sitting in my backyard facing west and overlooking a ravine. I was watching a satellite or the ISS travel SW from NE. Then, two orange-red lights/orbs or something linear (?) with lights at the ends caught my eye seemingly secretly travelling slowly in a straight line towards ~magnetic north. There was not a distinct outline but were rather translucent, hazy or out of focus although it's not me eyes.
Their flight configuration was roughly 30-40 degress off 0 deg, similar to a colon on a -ve 30-40 deg angle.
It/they were travelling in a straight trajectory but it was like watching a truck in front of you, and if the frame alignment is off it looks as though its turning while driving.
If they were separate the motion/inertia looked as though it was linked somehow, the way a single object would move. Like a flashlight with lights at each end.
Bonafide flying something from somewhere or here!!?? Then I saw another large bright white ORB/satellite/ISS.
A little while later I saw two flashes in the sky.
Later, and likely unrelatedly, I observed two flashes in the sky/space approximately where Ursa Major (Bear) and the Lynx constellations heads meet.
Posted 2015-04-30
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