NUFORC UFO Sighting 118555

Occurred: 1956-02-20 08:15 Local
Reported: 2015-04-21 19:11 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 8

Location: Veigus Island, FL, USA

Shape: Disk

It was a saucer shaped object

I was on manuvers with the USMC on Veigus Island Puerto Rico. I wentto sick bay about 8:00 AM. When I came out of the building, there were 7-8 sailors playing baseball on a base ball diamond about 40 yards away.

Suddenly they stopped playing and pointed up to the sky. To my surprise there was a flying saucer coming up over a small hill. It must have come up out of the ocean.. It was metallic and was about 30 feet in a circular base to about 15 feet high. There were windows around the dome and there were humiods (sic. Humanoids) looking out the windows.

The craft moved very slowly at first but as it went higher up the hill at an altitude of about 1000 feet it increased its speed to very fast and flew in a zig-zagged pattern untill it went from one horizon to another in about 90 seconds.

I did not report this as most people would think I was carzy.

Posted 2015-04-23

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