NUFORC UFO Sighting 118535

Occurred: 2015-04-20 01:30 Local
Reported: 2015-04-20 10:19 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 2

Location: Pullman, WA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Changed Colo

Pullman, WA UFO Sighting

As I'm lying in bed in my apartment, I see outside my window a really bright light, so I kept staring at it. It was a fixed white light with a red flashing light right beside it, sometimes it looked like it was underneath the white light and sometimes it looked like it was to the side of it. As if it was changing direction.

I first womdered if it was a planet because some flash colors but it started to move really fast up and down, and side to side. I watched for two hours as it hovered and moved back and forth across the sky, to eventually disappear.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2015-04-23

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