NUFORC UFO Sighting 117694

Occurred: 2014-12-15 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2015-03-10 02:03 Pacific
Duration: ~20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Kiambu, KY, USA

Shape: Light

Hovering light.

I was with my girlfriend, standing at the balcony of an apartment where I used to live, when I noticed that what I thought was an aircraft had stayed on one position for far too long. Just then, I asked her to look and what we observed was astonishing: In the darkness amid security and moon lights, we could make out that the light was quite high above compared to tree level.

So we forgot what we were talking about and continued to watch this light very slowly descend over a particular house. It would glow slowly and then dim, dim, dim as it continued to descend. My friend thought it must have been an airplane but fortunately a few degrees to our left were planes flying to JKIA, so it was very easy to compare and tell if this was a plane or not. Definitely not a chopper because we were close enough to here any sound that could have been emanating from it.

We finally got cold and tired and parted ways, but on getting to my apartment, remembered that I had forgotten to buy groceries, so without thinking, picked up some coins and left.

After a few minutes I was climbing my stairs when I decided to check again. This was almost an hour later when I noticed that the big glow was now so dimmed but i could still make out its position between two trees due to security lights and the moonlight. But now there seemed to be another smaller light that was busy hovering around the same house as though trying to look for an opening to get in.

I stood there for another few minutes, shook my head, and walked towards my house.

By the way, I must mention that the following day, my girlfriend complained that she had, had nightmares like something was tampering with her body at night. She complained of being tired and disturbed overnight.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2015-03-13

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