NUFORC UFO Sighting 117260
Occurred: 2015-02-09 07:58 LocalReported: 2015-02-11 08:33 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Bristow, OK, USA
Shape: Formation
Daytime sighting of 6-8 Bright white orbs flying in a straight line over Bristow, OK.
Monday, Feb. 9, 2015, at about 7:58 am, I was driving my 12 yr. old daughter and 5 yr. old grandson to school when I noticed that you could still see the Moon very well. I glanced at the moon, and then back at the road, and immediately realized I’d seen something under the moon, so I glanced back up at the moon and saw a long line of white dots moving at a steady pace in the same direction I was travelling. I instantly assumed they were white birds and again looked away. Then it occurred to me that they were in a perfectly straight line and evenly spaced away from each other, so I looked up again and said, “What the hell is that?” At that point my kids looked at it too and the 12 yr. old said, “That’s not birds!”
At that point, I pulled the car to the side of the road and watched the objects. What I saw was a perfectly straight line of 6-8 very bright white lights, all traveling north at a steady speed that wasn’t slow but wasn’t real fast either. (They were flying, not drifting, on the air currents like balloons would).
Each light was evenly spaced down the line and did not appear to be attached to anything or each other. They appeared to be separate units and were traveling as though they were following each other not flying side by side. The second to the last light was slightly out of line, it was a little higher than the others in the line. Each one had the same light intensity and were brighter than the moon was.
They appeared to emit light, not have lights on the outside. I also noticed that they appeared to flash at the exact same time, but it wasn’t a normal flash and is very hard to describe. It was almost like a strobe light flashing slowly but the light wasn’t going off and on, it looked like there was a grey thing that travelled down each light starting from the top and travelling down the front then appearing at the top again and traveling down the front repeatedly and the grey thing blocked out the light as it travelled down the orb. (It reminds me of a light in a lighthouse that has a sheet of metal the rotates around the light, momentarily blocking it out so that it appears to flash) It was like that, and you could tell the light itself wasn’t flashing.
(I initially thought it was birds like I said, flapping their wings and that’s why it appeared to have that flashing appearance) But it became apparent that it wasn’t birds when I noticed the spacing between them was too perfect, they were in a perfectly straight line (except the second to the last one), they flashed in perfect sync with each other and they were flying so high in the sky that I don’t even think birds fly that high).
I continued to watch the lights until they were no longer visible. They were actually traveling northwest, so as they continued across the sky they were no longer flying parallel to my car they were flying away from me as well and the first few lights could no longer be seen and eventually they all flew too far away to see anymore.
There was no sound, they traveled at a steady speed, they flew at a pretty high altitude but were very easy to see and maintained the same altitude throughout the sighting, they appeared to be pretty large and very bright! They were very noticeable even in the daylight. I was able to see them from the side and from behind when they flew away, but they looked the same all the way around just a ball of bright white light, no structure could be seen.
I was a police officer for 13 years and by nature skeptical and observant and have tried for 2 days to come up with a rational explanation for what I saw, and cannot come up with anything! They were not aircraft of any sort because they made no sound and were flying way too close together and were too perfectly spaced out to be anything I am aware of.
Also, I noticed that someone reported a sighting to this site that appears to be the same thing I saw, their sighting was on 11/25/14 in Oklahoma City, OK. According to their report.
Posted 2015-02-12
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