NUFORC UFO Sighting 117108

Occurred: 2015-01-31 19:25 Local
Reported: 2015-02-02 09:54 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Evanston, WY, USA

Shape: Orb

2 Orange-White ORBS flying southwest WYOMING into UTAH.

At 7:20pm MST, I looked outside towards the west of town, and saw a white orb. The light was over the rooftops of the houses nearby but was probably about 5-10 miles away.

I jumped in the car and left Evanston heading southwest when I realized there were two orbs...the original one higher in the sky, and a lower one.

Both orbs were moving southwest and a slow speed at first, then faster.

I gave chase in my car, and stopped at a lookout ridge about 8mi southwest of town. The lower orb was gone behind the distant mountains at this point, and the higher orb stayed in the lower sky for 15 minutes. It was orangish in color and brilliant. The higher orb eventually went below the distant mountain range. They were heading in the direction of Ogden, UT.

I tried to take pics with a digital camera, but due to the dark sky, it picked up the ORB out of focus.

Posted 2015-02-06

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