NUFORC UFO Sighting 117063

Occurred: 2015-01-05 01:00 Local
Reported: 2015-01-30 20:40 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Plymouth, MI, USA

Shape: Formation

3 Large Orbs and 1 small orb floated over me. No sound.

Was going to my office in Plymouth (I live in Western Plymouth) ... seen 3 HUGE orange/yellowish orbs in a triangle formation and a smaller orb down at the bottom of the formation. These floated over the North Church and across M14 freeway. Was trying to get my 4K camera Note 4 to operate .. just got it the previous day .. was shaking. I stopped on the bridge to do a photograph/4k Movie .. however, I didn't know how to operate the camera -- shaking too much. I was familiar with the iPhone 5 until I switched to the Note 4 for a brief period of time.

All the orbs (round circular glowing lights like big balls -- no substance) vanished as they descended downward going from West to East.

I fly drones, have flown single engine aircraft, have NEVER seen anything like this.

I told my next door neighbor about this siting the next day.

If I put my whole hand up that is what the size of 1 object would be in size.

Posted 2015-02-06

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