NUFORC UFO Sighting 117039

Occurred: 2015-01-29 07:45 Local
Reported: 2015-01-29 15:13 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Fremont, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Three very bright lights in the morning sky.

This happened after I passed Stevenson Blvd. exit while in my vehicle, going South on 880. I could see three very bright white lights in the sky from a distance. These were three separate objects, but they were somewhat of the same altitude from where I was viewing.

The object in the middle was very bright (the brightest), the light was pulsing, and it was moving downwards very slowly. After about 30 seconds, it disappeared, then reappeared as a smaller light for another 10 seconds or so. Then it completely vanished.

To the right of the brightest object was a smaller one that was moving horizontally very slowly. It didn’t blink at all. It looked like a bright star during a clear night.

To the left of the brightest object was a smaller one that was moving downwards slowly, the light on it was also pulsing. It went on for about 40 seconds.

The distance between the objects from my viewpoint, was about 1 inch horizontally.

Posted 2015-01-30

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