NUFORC UFO Sighting 11693

Occurred: 1993-11-17 05:10 Local
Reported: 2000-01-14 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 50 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Middleborough, MA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Multiple lights moved across a field before dawn, 50 minutes of this. As one approached, I returned to truck for camera and saw bright lights in the sky.

At 5am, before daylight, my brother-in-law and myself separated to deer hunt on the edge of a very large corn and hay field bordered by a cat-tail marsh and enormous red maple and white cedar swamp. I saw what I thought were headlights coming from some distance across the field and hurried to reach a hill. I intended to get there ahead of anyone else since it was a choice location to observe the surroundings for deer. Once I arrived at my spot on the 25' hill I sat down to await daylight, my compound bow nearby.Again I noticed the lights toward the east and moving along just over the ground at adistance of several hundred yards, left to right.The two of them were white and appeared to me to be attached to a silent truck or an ATV. As they moved they passed behind brush, became erratic,as though someone was running with handheld flashlights.The lights went out and I assumed whoever it was had reached their destination. Moments later a single light re-appeared, this time rising above the horizon and toward me, I moved to get down from the hill as it grew larger and higher in the sky. I then realized it was nothing I had been thinking it was. At perhaps 20 yards, with it over my shoulder, I tried to put some distance between us. I headed toward my truck and a camera with difficulty in the darkness, As I looked back it was descending, glowing over the marsh, and then there was a silent explosion of bright light as though a wick had burned through the sky and reached a large quantity of flammable material. The sky was clear and the air absolutely still, Once I reached the truck I could again see a low light moving across the field as before. I then saw a bright "star" well over the horizon in the direction I had come from, but, I thought at greater distance. It began descending slowly and I tried to photo it but it faded while I fumbled looking through camera. At about 5:45 am there were again low lights over the field, then two lights side by side in the sky growing in intensity, brighter like two suns, only small. I could now see my brother-in-law and went toward him. The lights went dim until gone- took 5 seconds to disappear in the sky. Daylight was gathering, we watched as more small lights like headlights moved along erratically out in the field, then out of sight. As soon as it was light enough to make out the landscape, a fog formed, which was a remarkable transformation from the clear pre-dawn. In conclusion, I feel the lower lights were probably "swamp gas", ignited in the hay field and following a "fuse" back to it's source under the water in the marsh. As tidy as that is, I'm troubled by the sky lights. My brother was visiting from Vermont that night where he works for the state, he suggested I write an account of my experience that very night, which I have referenced here,in order that my story wouldn't get confused with other people's comments, etc. Background: I have hunted, fished and hiked for 22+ years, I work oudoors before daylight often till after dark,I am a com.fisherman. Have hiked and hunted northern and southern wilderness areas in the dark and by compass, In short, I have spent countless hours in the woods watching the sky and stars,Iv'e seen the sun come up over the ocean close to a thousand times. I'd prefer to not be personally linked to this.

Posted 2000-01-22

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