NUFORC UFO Sighting 11610

Occurred: 1978-06-15 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-01-07 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Lowell, MA, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

In summer of 1978 @ age 7,I looked out my third floor window and saw a steadily and slowly moving hot-dog shaped object,red-orange sun-like in color,making no noise,traveling due NE via SW in low altitude over tree-top level.the object maintained a level trajectory heading toward downtown Lowell,Massachusetts.I was awestruck and scared,called my mother on the telephone,who was next-door doing laundry @ my grandmothers house.

In Lowell, Massachusetts sometime during the summer of 1978,I was 7 years old and home alone on a third floor apartment 8:00 p.m. I looked out of my bedroom window into the western sky,when out of the left hand of my field of view,I saw a brilliant orange-red cigar or hot-dog shaped object moving @ a snail's pace,in a perfect linear trajectory from the S-SW sky,due N-NE over tree-top level.I got a real good eyefull that lasted a couple of minutes.I knew it was not a heilicopter nor an airplane.The object may have been large and in the distance but appeared large and elongated in the dusk-to dark lit sky. I was in a state of awe as I watched sun coloured torpedo like thing go across the sky.I also noticed that it was silent,no motorized noise or any sound whatsoever.My awe soon turned to panic after the thing passed beyond my sight.I telephoned my mother,who was doing laundry @ my grandmother's condo next door to the building I was in.She noted the distress in my voice and tried to comfort me.I had just had a close encounter of the first kind,as I found out when I went to my second grade school's library and looked for books about ufos,the book:UFOs and IFOs showed an artists drawing of the hot-dog shape I had seen and thought might have been a flying sub-marine.I was aware then that other people around the world and throughout history have seen the same thing I saw.

Posted 2000-01-22

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