NUFORC UFO Sighting 115884

Occurred: 2013-12-19 12:00 Local
Reported: 2014-12-09 07:36 Pacific
Duration: ~1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Catonsville, MD, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

Silent black composit aircraft with red-tinted dome near front.

Heavily cloudy day with low hanging clouds, and they were moving in the direction as all witnessed aircraft. The size of the craft was well seen, it was bright out, and was no more than one and a half "medium to large" oak trees tall. Thus, the craft was off the ground no more than five stories.

The aircraft itself was silent, and had a few lights. While I forget the colors (I want to say blue and red) and their exact placement. The aircraft was absolutely silent and had a black exterior which was probably its material and not paint. The aircraft had no markings of any country. The only company that has the ability to use the airspace within this area is Northrop. They do not mark test aircraft.

At its front end this craft had large, red hued dome protruding from its bottom, similar to a UAV camera dome. This may have housed a IR camera that was testing therm-imaging designed for use through cloud cover (see DARPA current special projects' webpage). There may have been antenna housed therein, as other aircraft designs has such domes as containing communication/monitoring antenna. It did not appear to have any heat trails, but the fast moving clouds around it that day made it hard to observe and distinguish (if any). There were around four to eight rectangles in the back of the craft, and was probably of a rotatory motor design. While there was certainly enough room for a person to potentially be inside, from my vantage point it did not seem like there was even standing room in the mid-area of the plane. I did not get to view the top of the craft, nor did it had have anything like tail-end rudders.

The craft was shockingly low to the ground and had zero to nearly zero sound. If it was not for a cloud break, myself looking up, it would have remained unnoticed. The craft's wingspan was around the size of four to five standard street lanes. It was moving rather quickly compared to ground cars that preceded it, maybe around 40-60 miles per hour? There were no cars on the ground, and it was traversing the streets above homes, rather than flying along main streets. The direction was headed toward Baltimore Washington Airport.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2014-12-12

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