NUFORC Sighting 115678

Occurred: 2014-11-28 15:15 Local
Reported: 2014-11-28 12:31 Pacific
Duration: 1 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Gainesville, FL, USA

Shape: Flash

Uniform flash of light seen inside, no source discovered.

My wife and I were in our condo tending to our son. Both of were in separate locations inside of the dwelling. I was watching college football, while she was in one of the bedrooms folding clothes. The event was a flash, similar to what is seen when a light bulb burns out, except it was uniform. Both of us saw a flash which didn't seem to come from anywhere inside the house, and didn't seem to come from a uniform area of outside. It looked to me like it came from the south side, while to her it looked like it came from the north side of the house. Went outside to identify anything that could have made the uniform flash, and could find nothing. We have trees in our rear lot, and a brick wall in the front, but the flash seemed to be uniform, unobstructed by these objects.

Posted 2014-12-05

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