NUFORC UFO Sighting 115669

Occurred: 2014-11-27 20:00 Local
Reported: 2014-11-27 22:38 Pacific
Duration: 9 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Sonoma, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Emitted beams

A powerful blue beam of light 20 to 30 miles long at least with a very slow rotation. It was not coming from the ground.

I walked outside and saw a long blue light at least 20 to 30 miles long unlike anything I have ever seen. I appeared to be coming from the sky and rotated very slowly. This light was definitely not the type you'd see from a movie premiere.

My mom who is not a believer in anything extraterrestrial was shocked and amazed and without words.

Posted 2014-12-05

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