NUFORC UFO Sighting 115070

Occurred: 2014-11-01 22:30 Local
Reported: 2014-11-01 23:04 Pacific
Duration: 00:01:00
No of observers: 1

Location: Simpsonville, SC, USA

Shape: Rectangle

I was just walking my dog in the neighborhood, Simpsonville, SC, like I do every night, and I kept feeling like I was seeing something out of the corner of my eye and I would look up but there was nothing but stars, and a plane.

Finally about the third time I looked up, I saw a void in the sky, it took me a second to focus on it because there were no lights, no sound, just a shape cruising across the sky. I have no idea how high up it was, it was not at the height of a plane but was definitely way above the tree line, and all I could see was a shape. It literally looked like a roundish rectangular loaf of bread flying through the sky. There was no color to it, just a shape.

It went in a straight line, at what looked like a very consistent speed, and I was able to watch it all the way across the sky above me, until it flew out of sight.

At first I thought the wind had caught something up but it was so steady, just cruising along, and the wind doesn't move things! like that, not to mention the wind was blowing in a completely different direction, at least that is how it felt. It's hard to describe how I felt, bewildered would probably be the best description, oh, that and...a little crazy. I keep trying to rationalize it but I just can't.

By far the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life.

Posted 2014-11-06

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