NUFORC UFO Sighting 11458

Occurred: 1999-12-22 22:30 Local
Reported: 1999-12-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 12 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

Green object appears in digital camera shots of the Moon taken on the night that the Moon was at it's brightest.

On Wednesday, December 22, at 10:30PM Central time, I went out to take some pictures of the Moon when it was supposedly 16% brighter than normal. I stood in the courtyard of our appartment complex and snapped 3 fotos of the Moon in about 10 seconds. I viewed each shot on the digital display, on the back of my camera, just to mak sure the shot was good, and then immediately took another shot. I was unaware of anything in the photos but the Moon and the sky. It was only after downloading them into my computer, and viewing them, was I able to detect a strange green dot in each of the images. I use a viewing program called "ACDSee" that really puts up the images fast, so, after noticeing the green dot in each one, I clicked on each image in succession, and could detect that whatever it was, it moved from left to right and then back left again. I then decided to enlarge and enhance them to try to detect what the object actually looked like. It turned out to look somewhat like a marker-bouy, possibly hexagonal at the bottom, and with a center that protruded upward from the larger haxagonal platform at the bottom. After enhancement, the object in the 3rd image seems to have a yellow luminance on the tip of the protrusion, but the object definately has a green appearance overall. Not having noticed the object with my own eyes, I can't tell whatever other moves it made, but it certainly covered a lot of space in 9 to 10 seconds, (the total time sequence of the 3 shots). I have the original JPEG's and the enlarged and inhanced JPEG's, done with Paint Shop Pro 6. Contact me via e-mail if you wish any of these shots. ((e-address deleted))

Posted 2000-01-07

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