NUFORC UFO Sighting 114219
Occurred: 2014-10-02 21:00 LocalReported: 2014-10-04 21:50 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Hillsboro, OR, USA
Shape: Formation
10 silent, red craft traveling in a line, shifting precisely to avoid something
Traveling from east to west, 10 craft traveled at high speed equally spaced.
They passed in front of Cassiopeia, glowing red with a pink radiant center. At one point, they shifted position, one by one, much like in the 1980's video game "Centipede" when it was avoiding an obstacle.
The look of the individual 'craft' was reminiscent of what was recorded during the Phoenix Lights.
Posted 2014-10-10
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