NUFORC UFO Sighting 11357

Occurred: 1999-12-08 21:30 Local
Reported: 1999-12-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.
No of observers: 3

Location: Columbia, MO, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

My wife, Daughter and her friend were traveling East on Rt. HH when the object was observed at the intersection of HH and Kircher Rd. It was triangular with very bright White and Red lights. It hovered over the trees and then disappeared out of sight behind a hill.

My wife was taking my daughter's friend home. They were headed East on Rt. HH (North of Columbia off of Rt.B) when my daughters' friend spotted the object. It scared my wife as she thought it was an airplane crashing into the trees. It came from the North and crossed their path at the intersection of Kircher Rd. and Rt. HH. My wife was scared to turn onto the gravel Rd. (Kircher) but did, as the object was immediately in front off them. As they turned onto Kircher, the object hovered over the trees just off to their left. It was moving sporadically. It would hover and then move, hover and move again. My daughter found her camera but by the time she got it ready, the object had disappeared out of sight. My wife is not a believer in U.F.O.'s but I listen to Art Bell sometimes. Needless to say, I made fun of them all until I started to here reports all over town about this event. The children had their windows down and the object made no noise as it hovered. The distance was hard to judge but that is a heavily wooded area so they would had to been very close to it to been able to see it as long as they did. They didn't want to report it for fear people would think them crazy but after hearing reports of the same exact sighting, I thought you might be interested in these facts. My daughters' friend called tonight (12-10-99) and told us that a boy in that area, witnessed the object floating over his house. This is not a normal occurence for this area and certainly not for my wife. My daghter has been effected by this sighting. Her fear is that no one will believe her. I didn't help much by making fun of them when they returned home. I've been all over the U.S. , Canada and even traveled abroad and have never seen anything remotely suspicious but there is no doubt that my family and friends have spotted something strange in the area. I asked them how they couldn't make out a shape of the vehicle at such close range and they all said the lights were so bright that they couldn't see anythin! g else. They were larger than aircraft landing lights and much brighter. My wife recalls seeing white and red as do the children. No noise was heard. We have gone to the University where the "Flight For Life" helicopter takes off and lands. You can here it with the car windows up from a much greater distance than they could have possibly been at. They claim that the lights are much brighter also. Thanks for your forum.

Posted 1999-12-16

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