NUFORC UFO Sighting 113172
Occurred: 2014-09-01 22:00 LocalReported: 2014-09-02 10:31 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Hudson, WI, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Multi colored object spotted hovering, speeding up and stopping quickly for 45 minutes, multiple witneses
At approximately 10pm I saw a bright round light moving quickly at a 15-20 degree angle over the north horizon. Originally believed it to be a plane, but it seemed too bright and I didn't notice any blinking lights. Object came to a full stop in the sky and that is when I started to pay closer attention. At this time it was the size of a bright planet or star but distinguishably different by its rapidly changing color from white to red to green to blue.
After watching for a few minutes, I noticed it begin to move erratically in several different directions at a start/stop speed no plane can move, and no human can sustain.
I called my wife to the window and we both observed it act like this in the same spot in the sky for over 30 minutes. We also noticed several random pinpoint strobe like flashes in the sky surrounding it during this time. My wife commented that it was moving like a humming bird or fly would - zigging/zagging and stopping on a dime. It eventually moved behind the trees and we lost sight of it after 45 minutes or so.
Several commercial planes passed by during this time and were obviously different than what we were observing. It would seem logical with it's brightness and position in the sky that it (the object) was visible from those planes.
Posted 2014-09-05
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