NUFORC UFO Sighting 113044
Occurred: 2014-08-29 20:54 LocalReported: 2014-08-29 21:05 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Orange lights over Oklahoma City.
I had gone outside to look for a satellite which was supposed to be fairly bright. As I was looking for it I saw a very bright, very orange light moving much faster than a satellite but much slower than a meteor. It arced across the sky on a S-N trajectory and finally disappeared rapidly well above the northern horizon. Then I looked up and saw another one on a what I would say was a parallel trajectory. Both were significantly brighter than the brightest view of the ISS I have seen and moving much faster. There was absolutely no noise.
I watched the second one disappear in the same manner. I went back in the house to tell my wife and was was totally astonished at what I had seen.
After 2-3 minutes I went back outside and there was another one moving overhead. I called my wife to come look and by the time she got to the door it was past the roofline from where she was when she said, "I see it!" There was another one moving in the same path.
I saw a total of 4 and she saw 1. There was no trail left by any of the 4. The bright orange color stayed constant on all 4--no flickering or pieces separating--until they finally disappeared quite rapidly above the norther horizon. The final two disappeared well above the horizon.
I spotted the first one at 8:54 PM central time, the second at ~8:56, the third at ~8:59 and the fourth at ~9:00.
Yes, the correct time is 8:54 pm central time. Sorry for the error. I will be curious to see how many other reports there were of these same objects.
Posted 2014-08-31
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