NUFORC UFO Sighting 113039
Occurred: 2014-08-27 22:45 LocalReported: 2014-08-29 18:07 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Sartell, MN, USA
Shape: Unknown
Anomolus Satelite moving EAST TO WEST????
About 22:30 I sat down in a plastic chair facing east to watch a patch of sky for north-south satelites. The patch I watch is bordered by leafy tree branches.
At about 22:45 I saw a pinpoint of light moving FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST across the sky patch at the normal rate of speed for a satelite in low earth orbit. I lost sight of it as it passed overhead and I failed to move from my chair. Total time in view was 1-2 minutes.
This struck me as remarkable because I know that most satelites are launched with an EASTWARD component to gain a launch speed asist of up to 1000 MPH from the earth's rotation.
Have you had any similar reports? Can NORAD shead any light on this object?
We agree with the source of the report…visible satellites do not have a westerly component to ther groundtrack, as they orbit Earth. We suspect that the witness is a skilled sky watcher. PD
Posted 2014-08-31
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