NUFORC UFO Sighting 112844

Occurred: 2014-08-24 23:00 Local
Reported: 2014-08-24 19:24 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes; 1minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Dawsonville, GA, USA

Shape: Orb

Green orb over Lake Lanier.

Sitting on dock at lake lanier, on Nix Rd, my girlfriend & I witnessed a total of 5 orange lights & 1 green...something.

Over the horizon to our east, 3 orange lights appeared to be rising, all in a vertical line, the top light circled counter clockwise & disappeared, followed by the other 2. Then another came up, followed the same course. Then another.

Maybe 20 min later, as we were leaving, I saw a bright light coming from my left, bright enough to cast shadows from the trees around me. I turned to see...a large green orb/ball slowly moving over the lake, just behind the tops of the trees, which are no more than 60ft tall. I only saw it for a couple of seconds before it disappeared. It had no tail & made no noise. I turned to ask my girlfriend if she had seen that, but she was about 20 ft behind me...& had been watching this green orb/ball move across the tree line for maybe 100 yards.

Posted 2014-08-29

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