NUFORC UFO Sighting 11270

Occurred: 1968-12-03 02:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-12-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Gasconade, MO, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Landed

Colored fog on ground. Mom wouldn't let me go outside to see what it was. I am a Nuc. Engr.Sisters & Person not yet born then has seen since

In about 1968, my dad was out playing with his band, the Moonlight Serenaders. The rest of his family was at home, with the exception of my brother. I woke up and saw a colored fog which periodically changed color aprox. where the railroad bridge is located. The object making the glowy fog was behind the house across the street from us. My mom told me & my sisters to go back to bed, that it was nothing. I told Mom "If it's nothing, I'm going to go outside and see it." I was about 19 years old. My mom said "OH No you're not". She wouldn't let me go outside in a town with only 250 residents with no crime and no policeman. WE didn't even have a lock on our house door. I went to sleep, woke up in an hour and the night was clear, no fog, no lights to be seen. Last year I flew home and my mom sent a man to pick me up at the airport who was not alive in 1968. He wasn't yet born. He completed my sentence when I told him what I had seen. He lived closer to the bridge than I and he placed it in the same location at a later date. He seemed to thing it was a unidentified flying object too. I never even got to fog and lights. He used the same words as he had seen the same thing years later. He said everyone thought he was crazy. I am a nuclear engineer. He was in UDT with the Navy. There were 2 other sightings in the town. A conservative, no nonsense 79 year old lady whose son got his degree in Civil Engineering at the same school I did told my mom that she saw a UFO hovering over a power line, like it was sucking power from the line. One of the bosses at the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers boatyards who went to my college U of Mo. Rolla for a couple of years, also saw a UFO landed in the field across Highway 100 from his house. His name was name deleted)). He is still alive, at least he was when I was home last year. ((name deleted)), the lady who saw the UFO atop the light pole however passed away. I did not see my object fly. Still I'd classify it as a UFO Unidentified foggy object. The ! bridge w as the sight of a fatal collapse in the 1800s. A trainload of dignitaries going from St. Louis to Jeff City for the first time cause the newly built bridge to collapse killing many of the prominent citizens on board.

Posted 1999-12-16

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