NUFORC UFO Sighting 11265
Occurred: 1999-12-05 17:50 LocalReported: 1999-12-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: <1 second
No of observers: 2
Location: Guyton, GA, USA
Shape: Circle
Circular 2D light "thing" appears up close range out of nowhere after dark, travels to the east.
We are facing southern direction according to the map, time is 17:50 or 18:00 (5:50pm or 6:00pm) and the sun has gone down, but the sky is very clear. Out of nowhere, neither ascending nor descending, a circular "thing" appears - it simply just appeared. In appearance, the "thing" has the gray/white color that lightning has, and it appears as if to be glowing in an electric manner whereas the edges are very jagged and leave the same impression and feeling that electric sparks do although this has no variation in color but for gray/white colors. As far as the contours and shapes go, there is no shadow or light falling on the "thing" itself, so it does not look three-dimensional. Instead, it is a "flat" two-dimensional, yet perfectly circular, "thing" that appears right in front of our eyes at an unapproximated distance. However, an approximated, yet unqualified, guess is that it is is 20 seconds at 45mph down the road. Its altitude can only be estimated from seeing it by the top of the highest pinetree in the pinetree-horizon. It does not do justice, though, becauseits size is much greater and very hard to estimate. Looking at it, its radius would be approximately 1/4 inches measured by the eye, which is corrected by contact lenses that were in at the moment. For the record, I see an optician every six months. The "thing" traveled in a very controlled line to the east without leaving a tail of light, smoke, or other trace after itself. It did not move in anything such as a sinusoidal wave and it was neither ascending ! nor descending. It was simply a straight line to the east - not coming from the west, but appearing in a spot that would make a straight line between my eyes and the "thing." As the grande finale, it quickly disappeared around the house-corner after being observerved for less than 1 second. I ran around the corner but saw nothing, then to the front of the building, but saw nothing there either. Note that although it was not near the building, it was at such as angle that it disappeared "around the corner." Final notes from the characteristics checkboxes: The aura or haze around the object only apply if the whole thing is considered a "solid jagged glow" as described above. It left no trail, it had no lights (it were a huge light itself). It emitted no objects or beams. It never changed color, landed, or made a sound. No other aircraft was spotted, and no electrical or magnetic effects were experienced - we were standing outside in the grass with no electrical dependencies around.
Posted 1999-12-16
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