NUFORC UFO Sighting 112529
Occurred: 2014-07-09 03:00 LocalReported: 2014-08-16 07:30 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Oneida, NY, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Red triangle shape UFO Slowly appeared near moon and hovered for about 15 minutes
My 13 year old son got up around 3 am to go to the bathroom and get a drink water, when he noticed how bright the moon was that night so he decided to look out at the moon and then he took pictures.
The first several pictures the UFO wasn't in the picture and then it seem to just appeared.
He said it just hovered there for about 15 minutes. He tried to wake me up but I'm a heavy sleeper and never woke up.
The next day he told me about it and showed me the pictures.
I had no idea what it was.
Here are the order of the pictures he took with his iPhone 5c.
Posted 2014-08-22
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