NUFORC UFO Sighting 112525

Occurred: 2014-08-15 09:05 Local
Reported: 2014-08-16 10:33 Pacific
Duration: 75 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Littleton, CO, USA

Shape: Sphere

Bright white object in the sky above Littleton, Colorado, around 0905, 15 August 2014.

I was on my deck in the rear of my house, when the sound of an airplane engine (prop) brought my attention to the south eastern sky around 0905 on the 15th of August, 2014. I saw bright white dot in the sky just south of the sun and just above it as well, I didn't pay much attention to it but when I looked back up about ten minutes later and it was still there, I thought it was a bit strange... Please keep in mind that the moon was also visible in the western sky.

I went back in my house and watched TV for a bit, and then decided to go out on my front porch to see if the object was still there, and it was. It had moved to the west a bit but at about the same elevation as before, this was around 0930.

I went out again around 1000, and it was still there, but it was now due south at about the same elevation. I checked again around 1010, and it was still present but a few degrees farther west. When I checked again around 1020 it was gone. It seemed to track as if it were stationary in space and the Earths rotation was causing the movement. I'm assuming this was some sort of satellite that was reflecting light from the sun or possibly indirectly from sunlight reflected from the moon. To my eye and through a 9X rifle scope it was about the size of a .22 caliber bullet held at arms length.

Posted 2014-08-22

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