NUFORC UFO Sighting 112523

Occurred: 1997-10-15 17:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2014-08-16 13:58 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: New Britain (?), CT, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Missing Time

Rectangular foot-ball field with dark red lights slowly moving high altitude evening sky.

You might find this interesting. It may have been a hallucination. This is more factual than a dream of aliens in the woods or the moon shining through the trees and waking up in the leaves.

I believe this occurred when I was in Junior High. When I living in Simsbury, I was going to a family friends swim meet (I believe in New Britain or Bristol) maybe in October, we were driving and it was getting dark in the sky. I should have been sitting next to a rear window because when I looked out the window I could see a rectangular sized football field sized ship in the sky moving very slowly yet probably really high in the sky.

I remember it having very dark red lights or some sort of light source - I could view this clear enough within site. It appeared to be the bottom carrier of some sort of massive ship. I thought I was imagining this. I checked with my friends family and they saw it too - we were all from the Simsbury area. I believe they might have been "playing-along" with my hallucination and or imagination because it may have sounded quiet crazy to them - a media culture crazed dream separate from reality that some how seems to have manifested itself in my own personal delusions. These fantasies of my own may have jumped out from my mind into the social consciousness of the car ride for reasons probably best forgotten if it was indeed a dream that I would not accept as merely fancy and nothing more.

The other passengers agreed that they had indeed seen it as well, though to this day I still believe they were simply playing along to not embarrass the situation. I still can see it in my mind till this day - slowly moving high up in the evening sky, practically dark except for this dark red glowing "mother-ship". I only saw it for about 5 minutes I think until it was out of view. Maybe the invisibility shield which would make such a craft hard to see and or undetectable was being reset for mechanics or energy consumption.

I never really thought anything more of it. It was just too breathless to contemplate whatever it was. It felt like floating time. I don't even now if this could have been photographed. These instances seem to happen at odd intervals on some sort of schedule. I remember we were travelling in a van. On the return trip after the swim meet it did not happen again. This was so long ago. I remember playing Super Mario.


Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2014-08-22

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