NUFORC UFO Sighting 112521
Occurred: 2014-08-15 21:38 LocalReported: 2014-08-16 17:45 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Warden, WA, USA
Shape: Light
star like lights moving across sky and re accuring
Hello, I would like to start off by saying this is no hoax or joke, what my cousin and I saw is real and im 99.9% shure its not a military craft.
what we saw and continue to see every night around the same time is a light that moves across the sky very quick and not in one general direction either, sometimes they disappear and reappear, we have seen airplanes flying and the light are completely different and the speed is very slow compared to the light we see. this event occurs every night between 8 and 12, tonight ill try to get video to send in to you. this literally happens every night we look for it. I would really like to get someone else to see this that can maybe tell if its a plane of somesort or really a ufo. The color of these are white they look exactly like a moving star, sqame brightness and color but they move quick.
please contact me I have called the hotline and left my number so I look forward to hearing from you soon. thank you
Posted 2014-08-22
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