NUFORC UFO Sighting 11244
Occurred: 1999-12-04 11:00 LocalReported: 1999-12-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
Location: New York City (Bronx), NY, USA
Shape: Light
I was looking up at the sky and saw what appeared to be a very very fast moving star like object moving very fast from west to east
I was standing alone on the corner of East 204th St and Villa Ave the Bronx I looked up in the sky and saw a very bright starlike object going at a very very fast speed from West to East heading towards Queens from my stand point. This is another object that I could not figure out It was not Military, Commercial, Helocopter, Blimp, Bird, Weather Balloon, or any known Earth made object. Just a disk/Star like flying object.
Posted 1999-12-16
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