NUFORC UFO Sighting 11241

Occurred: 1999-12-02 21:00 Local
Reported: 1999-12-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Kent, WA, USA

Shape: Circle

Between 9 pm and 10 pm an amber colored circle passed over my house

While sitting im my living room at about 9 pm I saw a cricle that had a faint amber glow pass across the sky. At first I thought is was an airplane since I don't live that far from Sea-Tac airport, but when I noticed it had no beacon lights of any kind it caught my attention. It was not very bright, in fact it was so dim I was amazed i even noticed it. It was at an angle of about 50 - 60 degrees off the horizon, heading in a southern direction, moving about the speed of a small airplane. It was maybe about the size of my thumb at arms legnth. It was a fairly clear night, not a lot of wind, no meteors. I heard no sound (even though I was inside, an airplane that close would make a noticeable sound). I dont know of any aricraft that are circular, so I'm stumped.

Posted 1999-12-16

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