NUFORC UFO Sighting 112382
Occurred: 2014-08-10 23:00 LocalReported: 2014-08-11 10:09 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Enfield (Southwood Acres), CT, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
read sighting description ..
Around 11:00 PM, me and my friend looked up and noticed a very bright object hovering at high altitudes in the airspace. At first, we thought it was a star, but after looking at it for about 20 minutes we noticed the UFO was flashing, and very, very slowly moving across the sky.
The UFO had not left our sight until around 1:30 AM, when we noticed the object had disappeared out of the sky completely. From about 11:00 PM - 1:30 PM, the UFO was just SLOWLY moving across the sky, until it disappeared from sight. It was torturous to see, because I'll never know why the object was slowly hovering over my hometown for HOURS.
Maybe it was moving so slow to avoid detection by us humans, well, that's the only explanation I have for it.
Twinkling star, we wonder? PD
Posted 2014-08-15
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