NUFORC UFO Sighting 112336

Occurred: 2014-08-09 21:45 Local
Reported: 2014-08-09 21:34 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Barrie (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Black triangular shape with a red pulsating light underneath its center.

At approx. 21:45 Sat the 9th of August 2014, I was looking out my rear patio doors, the doors face approx. South. I noticed an object in the sky, it had a pulsating red light underneath it.

I called my wife over to the patio door and said look at thing in the sky pointing to it. She responded, "go get your binoculars".

So I ran upstairs got the binoculars and attempted to look at it, but the overhang of my house was preventing me from a clear view.

So I ran back downstairs and looked out the patio doors bracing the binocular against the glass, I could clearly see the triangular shape of the object and the pulsating Red light underneath in it's center.

Looking out my patio doors the object was at the 10:00 O'clock Position.

The object moved slowly across the sky moving West. At which point my wife tried calling my son over for a look when the object started to turn and face south then slowly started pitching its nose up and the Red pulsating light was no longer visible. I turned to my wife to say take a look through the binoculars, when I turned back to look the object was no longer visible.

Posted 2014-08-15

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