NUFORC UFO Sighting 11221

Occurred: 1999-11-16 19:10 Local
Reported: 1999-12-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 SECONDS
No of observers: 1

Location: Louisville, KY, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Single bright fireball with fire trail and sparks, very far out and high up, fast moving from southwest to northeast, obviously massive.

This was not a "craft", but a meteor. I was out doors when I caught sight of the object for about 10 seconds, about 20-30 degrees above the horizon when it was northwest of my position, and it was moving in a generally southwest to northeast direction. It was very obviously far away, fast moving, and high in the atmosphere. Just from my own perception and from it's rate of travel and straight path, it was obvious to me that the object was very massive and huge, MOUNTAIN-scale. It was travelling in an inertial straight line skimming the atmosphere, leaving a fire trail and sparks behind as it went. I would definitely qualify it as almost an asteroidal near miss event. It was far enough up that it was seen throughout northeast USA. There was videotape of it shown on local television.

Posted 1999-12-16

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