NUFORC UFO Sighting 112171

Occurred: 2014-08-02 17:50 Local
Reported: 2014-08-03 17:07 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Sarnia (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Disk

Hat shaped object over Lake Huron.

My wife and I were sitting on our balcony, eighth floor of our apartment building, watching a storm approaching, and took out our 8X40 binoculars to watch the lightening in the distance, and the hawks and other birds soaring over Canatara Park (which is right across from our apartment building). Our balcony faces due East; and our coordinates are N 43.00184 X W -82.40941.

We then noticed a couple of birds flying much higher in elevation than we normally see - there were storm cells developing in the area to the South of us, so likely some updrafts for them to ride.

Suddenly, Lynn noticed, over the lake (Huron), a small object (once again, with her naked eye) and attempted to find it with the binoculars. She did, and it appeared to her as a hat shaped object with rounded corners, but just barely discernible - perhaps only a millimeter or two in size if held at arm’s length.

This object was pretty much due NE (45 degrees true North) from our position, and approximately 40 degrees up from the horizon.

She handed the binoculars to me (I could not find nor see the object with my naked eye) and instructed me to follow a certain cloud pattern upwards to find the object. I did, and watched it for several minutes, until my arms got tired. It did not move at all, appearing to hover motionless in the sky above the lake below. Not knowing the size of the object, I have no idea how far away it was, though we both had the idea that it was a great distance away. Being so small, we could not detect colors, and it did not have any lights on it that we could see.

We took turns watching it through the binoculars, but eventually the cloud cover (shifting from south-to-north) obscured our vision and we lost sight of it after about 30 minutes.

Posted 2014-08-08

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