NUFORC UFO Sighting 111788
Occurred: 2014-07-22 23:00 LocalReported: 2014-07-22 23:46 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 1
Location: Hamden, NY, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Animals reacted
red/orange list object with lights pulsing. object slowly zigzagging and circling; disappeared then reappeared much closer
It was to the southeast of me, just over a hilltop (appeared very far away). thought I was looking at jupiter, a star or a satellite, but noticed it appeared to be blinking and while it was predominantly orange/red in color, there appeared to be glimpses of green and white.
After staring at it a while, I noticed that not only was it blinking/pulsing, but it was moving. At first it appeared to zigzag and then it appeared to be moving in small circles. I watched it for about ten minutes.
Eventually it began to get dimmer and dimmer as it pulsed until I could no longer see it.
I went back outside about twenty minutes later and noticed an object that looked the same to the southwest, but it appeared to be a lot closer (was about 3 times as big).
While my view at this time was obscured by a maple tree (I was too scared to go onto the lawn and get a better view), I was able to see that it was definitely a aircraft of some sort. The pulsing/blinking lights were more distinct. It was continuing in the same odd zigzagging movements.
Without knowing how far away it was, it's hard to say whether it was moving far or quickly. But the movements were barely noticeable at first.
There was no sound.
Posted 2014-07-26
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