NUFORC UFO Sighting 111770

Occurred: 2014-06-27 22:20 Local
Reported: 2014-07-22 09:20 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Cincinnati, OH, USA

Shape: Fireball

I went outside apx. 10;20 pm, my second sighting in the same area of my backyard in two first time a major close one big green disk that hovered over my house green craft in July 2012. Any way i was looking up in the same area as the last time and noticed a orange ball just bouncing up and down then vanished. Since the 7/1/12 whenever i go outside i pay attention snd yet a feeling that i get nervouse over what i will see.

Then a third sighting apx. 6/30 i was outside but sitting on my front rs porch and i saw two orange glowing lights again. They seemed to be headed in the direction of my house side by side moving in a straight direction. Then changed direction moving south instead of west towards me. They stayed side by side then just vanished. I called mufon and made a report here two years ago. A person from my area was supposed to come over to my hom because of the major sighting and investigate it due to 3 of us had such a bazzar encounter two years ago and it was hovering over my house for several minutes actually 15 to 20 minutes but he never bothered to come and interview me.

So this time i am not bothering with mufon and reporting it here instead. That upset me. Especially since the home base for mufon is here in the Cincinnati area. I just know now when i go outside i always look up and yet get afraid of what i will see due to such a close encounter i had two years ago on the same date. That ufo was about 150 to 200 ft over my house and i think or feel like it knew we were paying attention to it. That was a green round disk plus orbs. Moved very slow and hovered right over us.

Posted 2014-07-26

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