NUFORC UFO Sighting 11082

Occurred: 1999-11-16 18:00 Local
Reported: 1999-11-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: approx. 30 sec.
No of observers: 4

Location: Owenton (5 miles south of), KY, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Object was a cylinder shape with light formations on what appeared to be both sides of object. Flying at low altitude but could not see object in great detail due to light formations. Object was in view for approx. 30-45 seconds, then simply disappeared from sight.

Object was viewed by three adults and one 9 year old child on 11/16/99 approx. 5 miles south of Owenton,KY which is a small town approx. 70 miles south of Cincinnati, OH. Evidently, hundreds of people in the Cincinnati area saw the same object, and the incident was reported on the 11:00 news. Object was long with several bright lights which were in a peculiar formation. Object was first seen through a window of my house. Upon discovery of object, I hurried out the door and onto the deck which overlooks a lake. Object seemed to "float" through the air at a relatively slow speed. There was no audible sound from the object. Although, it was flying at a pretty low altitude, it was difficult to view object in great detail. I think this was primarily due to the nature of the object itself. Again, it was a rather long object and maybe can best be described as an abstract "floating train". Object was in view for approx. 30-50 seconds all the while traveling at a relatively slow, steady speed. Then simply disappeared.

Posted 1999-11-23

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