NUFORC UFO Sighting 110037
Occurred: 1976-05-06 01:00 LocalReported: 2014-06-07 14:30 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Trieste (Italy), , Italy
Falling star stops in the sky and speeds away at a right angle
May 6, 1976, 21:00 pm an earthquake hit Northern Italy in Friuli, I lived in Trieste, Italy, at that time 3-4 hours away from the epicenter. The quake was so strong we all felt it, the house moved back and forth, it was scary and so were the aftershocks.
To be safe, I slept on the beach at Marina Julia because didn't have buildings close by.
I was looking at the stars to relax. Suddenly I saw a "falling star." This falling star came at a sudden stop in the sky and remain still for a few seconds and then started moving accelerating at an incredible speed at a right angle.
It was small but very bright, as I said I though it was a falling star, but the falling stars don't stop and take off again in a different direction.
I was a skeptical 21 years old at that time and I never told this episode to anyone until now.
Posted 2014-06-13
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