NUFORC UFO Sighting 109223
Occurred: 2014-05-05 23:04 LocalReported: 2014-05-06 11:21 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: West Seneca, NY, USA
Shape: Circle
Distant dot moved witnessed while looking at moon.
Looked at moon and noticed a very small, very distant dot (like an average star) that, from my angle, was moving left to right on the left-hand side of moon. Faint clouds covered up the travel path and the object was nowhere to be seen. Was not blinking like an airplane and would not have vanished after cloud cover. If it was a star then it would have still been visible after cloud passed. Moved slower than a shooting star but faster than an airplane. Had to have lasted no longer than 10-30 seconds.
Posted 2014-05-08
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