NUFORC UFO Sighting 108668

Occurred: 1954-02-15 19:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2014-04-15 10:10 Pacific
Duration: 15-30 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Burney, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Observance of one large and two smaller UFOs in a comparitive prolonged period of time

A young lady and myself were parked at a lake-front in early evening. I saw the UFO high above on the far side of lake.

In an attempt to be rational I asked the young lady if she saw anything in the sky. She said, "Yes". I then asked her NOT to tell me anything she was observing, so we would NOT INFLUENCE each other.

We observed one large saucer and soon two more small ones. The smaller UFOs were maneuvering in and out toward the big UFO as if they were in a refueling process.

Soon one of the small UFOs went over the horizon and the other went straight up and disappeared. The large UFO then went through a series of amazing maneuvers from hovering to amazing speeds back and forth and up and down.

Then the UFO started appearing larger and larger until about the size of a football field and directly over my car!! Then…


Witness indicates that the date may be approximate. PD

Posted 2014-04-18

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