NUFORC UFO Sighting 108641
Occurred: 2014-04-09 20:30 LocalReported: 2014-04-14 21:42 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 hours
No of observers: 15
Location: Panama City Beach, FL, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby
Large, orange glowing “stars”, rapidly blinking lights, and USOs fill the night sky and gulf waters in PCB
My son and I were on vacation in PCB last week. We were staying right on the beach in the west end. On Wednesday night, just after sundown, I went out to my balcony to watch the stars and smoke a cigarette. I looked up and directly in front of my POV in the sky, which was the second floor of the hotel, was a bright, orange, glowing light like the color of Mars in the night sky. First one, then multiple glowing “stars” appeared after about 30-45 minutes of the first one. At first I thought it was a flare, but it was too big and didn’t arc and burn out and fall towards the gulf. These lights would dim and then just disappear only to appear in a completely different spot from the previous one. At one point, there was a glowing orange light to my left higher up in the sky and simultaneously one to my right slightly lower and seemed closer. The one to the right split into 2 balls, and the one to my left split into 4 balls. This happened several times. The entire event l! asted about 4 hours. Also, when the glowing orange “stars” would disappear, there would be blinking lights all around - sometimes one, other times 2-3. They, too, would just disappear and then reappear somewhere else in the sky. These “stars” didn’t move they just glowed and disappeared or multiplied then disappeared. However, the last one of the night glowed brightly for about 15 minutes then split into two orange “stars” and started moving towards our building. They turned into (?!?) flying vehicles with flashing red and white lights. When they were overhead, they appeared to be boomerang shaped with the lights being on the bowed part which seemed to be the front of the vehicle. There was no sound.
We also saw this same night, in between the glowing orange “star” show, a triangular (right triangle) formation of three stars. Then a forth one appeared in between the two stars that were farthest apart, for example a right triangle with “A” being the point, “B” and “C” being the points of the right angle. This “D” point appeared between stars “A” and “B”. A few minutes later, my son pointed out that the fourth star or “D”, which was not twinkling, was moving. We watched it slowly move north, and then speed up once it was at what appeared to be a right angle to the right triangle. It eventually flew over our building. This object was made of white light, had no sound, and was maybe just outside of our atmosphere or miles into the upper atmosphere.
The really strange thing is earlier that evening, just when the sun was above the horizon, I was sitting on the balcony watching seagulls attempting to catch their dinner when one of them flew straight up into the sky (very high) and then flew straight out towards the horizon. Now there were no clouds in the sky and no fog. I continued watching this bird as its behavior just seemed odd to me, until it flat disappeared in the middle of its flight to the horizon. The first orange glowing “star” appeared where the seagull had disappeared.
I took several pictures, but unfortunately, they’re not so great as my phone’s camera is really poor quality.
Once the orange, glowing “stars” finished their “show”, we noticed about 30 minutes later a bright red light on the horizon actually on the water. It was motionless for approximately 20-25 minutes. All of a sudden, it took off across the horizon line at a tremendous speed. It appeared to be hovering above the water. I have grown up on the coast and have never seen anything that big move that fast. The distance had to be at least 6-7 miles out and there was no sound. It had red and white lights. It got to a certain point coming all the way across the horizon line and disappeared.
Whatever we witnessed, along with several other guests at the hotel, was like nothing I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen the space station and satellites. None of these objects or activities was even similar to what I’ve witnessed before.)
Posted 2014-04-18
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