NUFORC UFO Sighting 107935

Occurred: 1977-07-17 15:00 Local
Reported: 2014-03-18 18:51 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 3

Location: Fairview, NJ, USA

Shape: Circle

A flying globe looking object.

I was with about 4 friends when one of them yelled UFO!

Everyone ran, but I jumped up on a large man hole set maybe 3 feet higher then level ground to get a better look.

I was facing west and seen a object traveling east it is hard to judge the height but it was not very high maybe three thousand feet give or take a thousand.

The object was traveling maybe 90 miles an hour but that's a guess.

Also the object was about 50 yards high and fifty yards wide it was a fairly perfect circle.

The way it looked was odd, picture a globe but tan not blue with patches of brown where the land would be and add something spinning on top maybe a light of some kind.

That is what was in the sky that day. It look like a fly planet!

Posted 2014-03-21

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