NUFORC UFO Sighting 107934

Occurred: 2014-03-18 16:15 Local
Reported: 2014-03-18 18:24 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Wildomar, CA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby

Daytime UFO above Riverside County. Approx. 4:15 with Non commercial planes following within 30 min.

I live approximately 60 miles from the coast and 90 miles south of Los Angeles. I see aircraft that take off from San Diego and Orange County and head east. They reach an altitude over my house about 15-20k ft. I also see a lot of government planes that fly over heading east that are roughly about 30-50k ft with chemtrails.

This particular object was east of my location and moving in all directions for about 10 minutes. Then it stayed stationary for about 15 minutes. It appeared to be at the height of somewhere around 30-60k ft in the air.

Then the object appeared to move west and all of a sudden I saw what appeared to be a smoke cloud. It then started to move east and when I heard a jet coming over me and it disappeared.

The jet seemed to be about 40-50k ft in the air with a chemtrail. I know this because all flights heading east from airports around me cannot get to this altitude in such a short distance.

Then for another 30 minutes I saw 3 jets fly over in the area I last saw the object flying higher than a commercial jet.

Flights coming from Hawaii typically land in LA or Orange County. A jet flying over me east at that altitude has to be on a continual path from west which doesn't make sense, since the hubs are LA or SD. Validation from another source would be helpful.

Posted 2014-03-21

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