NUFORC Sighting 107894

Occurred: 1984-09-01 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2014-03-16 14:41 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Baltimore, MD, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

An extremely large black rectangle or triangle ufo floating at tree top level outside our house.

When I was a teenager, my parents and I were heading to the symphony when we saw an extremely large black rectangle or triangle ufo outside our house.

The symphony started at 8pm. My dad never wanted to be late so we left a little after 7pm to make sure we made it there in plenty of time. Our house is on a small hill near the end of our block. It was twilight to dark. As we left the house and started walking down the front steps down to our car – we saw this black object floating just barely above the tree tops.

It was enormous and hardly moving. It spanned from one end of our block to the other end. I don’t know how long our block is but the object was more than the length of our block and there are 6 three story colonial houses between our house and the end of the block and the object was long enough to cover them all. It was wide covering houses on both sides of the street. The object was also tall or thick (maybe one story or more thick) and not aerodynamic at all. There is no way that should be flying. It was so large that we could never see the far side of it. We really only could ever see 2 sides of it so it could be a rectangle or a triangle.

We walked down the steps and into the middle of our street and stood directly underneath it. It was very close nearly touching the tree tops (large oak trees in our neighborhood). It was a matte black and blocked out the sky from our view because it was so massive. It had lights on the underside -some large, some small, but the lights were dull and not bright. I can’t remember where the lights were but know some were different colors. The side of the object had a window like opening which had dim lights.

With an object flying so close, it should have been loud but this object didn’t make a sound but you could sort of feel it in your chest. Even blimps make sounds but this object just didn’t make a sound.

We stood directly underneath it for several minutes looking up and then it slowly drifted up the side street next to our house. It went from moving straight ahead to moving at a 90 degree angle without turning. We kept walking with it up the side street while it was directly overhead. It was gliding so slowly that it was easy to keep walking with it.

We could have kept walking with it but my dad said that he didn’t want to be late for the concert and we had to go. In the end, we watched the object for about 15 minutes. I didn’t want to go but we did. When we got into the car, I asked my dad what it was and he said that he didn’t know and didn’t want us to talk about it ever again. I tried to bring it up several times and he made it clear that we were to never discuss it.

Years went by without talking about it– when my dad was dying I asked him about it and he couldn’t remember it happened. I thought maybe it was all in my mind so a few years after my dad died I asked my mom if she remembered and she did. This made me both relieved and uneasy. We’ve talked about it several times since then. My father was a physician, my mother is a nurse. I am a medical researcher.

While I wasn’t afraid while we were watching the object (it was oddly peaceful), those moments seeing it have haunted me almost every day since. I’ve been uneasy sleeping at my house since that initial night and have had to sleep with a light on only when I’m there. Every time I felt the slightest low hum, I rushed to my bedroom window to see if it is there. I’ve since moved away but my mom still lives there. I moved to a very large city and oddly I sleep better in this large city than at my childhood home.

I can be contacted by an investigator if needed.


Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2014-03-18

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