NUFORC UFO Sighting 107770

Occurred: 2014-03-10 19:50 Local
Reported: 2014-03-10 14:01 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes

Location: Tehran (Iran), , Iran

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Lights on object

First thought that it’s a lantern-kite/balloon with a flame burning inside, it was about an hour and half after dark in Tehran, duration: 19:50 to 19:55 local time in Tehran (GMT + 3:30).

I was on heights of North Amir-Abad, and it seemed the object is moving upwards from stadium on the southeast of my sight (about 2 km away).

The object moved vertically upwards, maybe up to 5 km elevation, then began to move north-northwest, with a constant elevation.

There was no sound and the speed was about the speed of a helicopter (maybe about 100 km per hour), considering the 5 minute flight and the distance to the Alborz Mountains north of Tehran (about 8 km), which this object disappeared moving into fogs on the mountain tops of the Tochal Peak into the dark.

During the flight the internal flame with an almost 1 second pulse was continuous. Color of the light was orange (color of fire-flame).


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am ((name deleted)) from Tehran, Iran.

Last night I reported observing what I considered to be a "teardrop-shaped" UFO that evening.

Because in Iran we use the Persian Calendar, I checked the date from my computer and reported the event "March 11, 2014" afterwards I realized the hour is a few minutes past midnight and I had mistakenly reported the date of tomorrow.

The correct date of my observation is as follows:

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hour 19:50 to 19:55 at North Amir-Abad heights, Tehran, Iran.

Thank You and Regards,
((name deleted))


Posted 2014-03-18

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