NUFORC UFO Sighting 107695
Occurred: 2013-06-30 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2014-03-07 10:18 Pacific
Duration: Unknown
No of observers: 0
Location: Tehran (Iran), , Iran
Shape: Triangle
Accidentally photographed UFO in Tehran? Direct link to photo provided.
This is NOT a photo that i took.
A Persian friend (Iranian) here in London highlighted it to me and although I cannot sensibly determine much, it does appear to have captured something triangular in flight overhead (perhaps you can analyse a sense of dimension to it).
At first glance, the image appears to be a black triangular flag, but upon zooming in overhead, one can reasonably assume that the black triangle is higher above. If you can dismiss/explain the object in the photo (is it a software/stitching flaw caused by the 360 degree nature of the camera shot?
Other shots from the same photographer have no such issues though...), would still very much appreciate your doing so online for all to see/understand. I am not sure if the fact that this photo is taken in Iran makes it more, or less, compelling! But it's definitely interesting! Here is the link:
Photo appears to be a very high-quality image of a black, triangular craft. We cannot rule out the possibility that the object may be either a piloted craft, or an unmanned aerial vehicle. A link to the photo is below. Access the page, and scroll up, and to the left, to see the object, which is above the roof of the building to the viewer's left. The exact date of the 2013 (?) photo is unknown to the party who submitted this report. PD
Posted 2014-03-18
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