NUFORC UFO Sighting 107409

Occurred: 2014-02-23 19:32 Local
Reported: 2014-02-23 17:36 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Olean, NY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Whispy clouds then triangle shaped craft.

This sighting occurred about a half hour ago. At 7:32 pm.

I was out taking my two dogs to go to the bathroom. I was standing in front of my neighbors house, waiting for my 2 dogs to do their business, and I was just looking around. I noticed a very strange looking whispy cloud that was a shallow u shape elongated west to east. With the tops of the u being in each direction. While studying the cloud I noticed some kind of movement. As I tried to look at what was moving it was very hard to make out. I had to look slightly off to one side, or the other of the object to make it out better. It was a v shape. It was moving from east going west across the sky. Moving from where the cloud was, away from it. It almost appeared to have a series of either lights, or reflections going the whole width and length of the v. the v seemed to be skinny almost just like the letter v. except the v would be flatted, At a shallow angle. It appeared slightly grey in color, although this could have been due to the very dim lights, or reflections coming from it. As it moved from me I noticed two airplanes flying quite close. One looked like it would almost intersect with it. Although the plane was at a higher elevation. The craft seemed to be very big and move just slightly faster than an airplane. Its hard to say what elevation it was at. But it was maybe just a little higher than a lot of smaller personal aircraft fly. As it flew I didn’t hear any noise from the craft/object. As it moved father from me it got harder to see. As if you could only really see it from a certain angle. After it went behind a telephone or electrical cable, I lost it. It was very hard to see in the first place, and after my view got obstructed from the object I couldn’t find it again. At that time though it was getting farther away and almost disappeared anyway. It seemed the best way to view the object would have been from directly beneath it. The object flew south of my viewing location by quite a few miles. It may have been direc! tly over the town of Knapp creek ny. Or somewhere else on rocky city hill. And it would have been flying toward a path that would have taken it over top of Limestone, NY. It could have been closer than this. I can't really say, but if it was closer than it wasn't any closer to me than maybe 2 1/2- 3 miles.

That is my account as best as I can describe it. I would like to add that I had a feeling the craft/object was most likely a governmental craft, and not something other worldly. I would also say it being an other dimensional craft would feel right to me as well.

If you have any other questions for me, please do not hesitate to call.

Posted 2014-02-27

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