NUFORC UFO Sighting 107143

Occurred: 2014-02-14 19:00 Local
Reported: 2014-02-15 10:06 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Pueblo, CO, USA

Shape: Fireball

8 orange, bright lights seen in Pueblo, Colorado, skies.

7 or 8 fireballs in the sky. They were very dim lights, then all of a sudden they all turned bright orange and moved and vanished. It was dark outside, and they seemed very close.

They were out west of Pueblo, Colorado. I didn't hear any sound and couldn't see any shapes to the bright orange lights. There was nothing in the background but the dark sky so the bright orange fireballs were very noticeable.

Posted 2014-02-21

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