NUFORC UFO Sighting 107040

Occurred: 2014-02-08 22:10 Local
Reported: 2014-02-09 13:15 Pacific
Duration: 10-25 seconds (4x)
No of observers: 2

Location: Easton, CT, USA

Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Round Red light shining inside and outside of our house

My wife & I were watching TV, when all of the sudden we saw a red colored round shaped light moving around our media room (the size of a traffic light). The light was shining on the French doors. I opened the French doors and followed the light into the living room, the light was on front of the house, shining through the front room window. When I went closer to window to look, I thought it may have been a police car or someone using a red flash light. Nothing was outside.

At this point we were trying to find some kind of explanation and thought it may be the TV reflecting on the doors.

Within a few minutes the same exact red light on door shined on the same window that it had in the front of the house. We stopped the movie playing on TV. We turned on the lights in the front and rear of house. We checked, for footprints, but there were no foot prints in snow nor was there any sign of anything within 200 feet.

I turned off the lights outside, and sat back down to watch TV. Again, within a few more minutes my wife saw the lights reflecting off one of our mirrors moving up and down. This mirror is in the middle of house next to the French doors.

We called our daughter from upstairs and told her what we saw, she was scared she thought it may be ghost or some of the neighborhood kids outside, but we told her that there is no sign of foot prints in snow and how it was 18F temperature outside.

Our house is set back at least 150 feet from street (which is a private drive) and 200 feet away in the back from the woods, additionally, no house is behind our property.

For the 4th time again I saw same light in the middle of room shining on the French doors for few seconds, I tried to show my daughter but as soon as the light came it was gone. This all happened within a 15-20 minute time frame. I don’t know where the source was coming from and there was no beam showing, these lights were moving like someone was holding a flashlight moving it sideways and up and down in motion.

I called the local police this morning to see if any other person in the area reported such lights. They said no.

Posted 2014-02-14

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