NUFORC Sighting 107028

Occurred: 2014-02-08 20:00 Local
Reported: 2014-02-08 23:41 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Glendale, AZ, USA

Shape: Light

3 Orange lights

in the evening on 2-8-14 i was walking east bound home from the store, when i noticed an orange light in the sky, as i watched it walking forward it appeared to the NE and seemed to be getting closer, so i paused, took out my ear buds to see if i could hear anything indicating a helicopter, nothing, as i stood and watched it got smaller and higher then disappeared. so i continued on, after a few steps behind a tree i spotted a second strange orange light, a little further than the last, it went higher and got smaller till it too disappeared, the third i noticed as i got home, i sat and watched this one, it seemed a bit closer, flickering/pulsating orange light, it like the other two, went up, and got smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Posted 2014-02-14

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