NUFORC Sighting 107004

Occurred: 2013-12-31 21:30 Local
Reported: 2014-02-08 03:01 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 6

Location: Hesperia, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Bright orange lights in the sky.

After a delayed Christmas gift exchange at our house, my daughter and her boyfriend were walking her brother and his girlfriend out to their car. She came running in to get me saying there was something in the sky. I went out and there were probably 20 bright orange lights on the horizon against the San Bernardino Mountains south toward Crestline, CA.

I assumed they were putting out a brush fire in the mountains but as I watched the lights slowly rose up so that they were above the mountains. I ran into the house to get my husband. When he came out there were probably only about 10 left in the sky and as we watched they disappeared one by one in no discernible pattern.

I checked the next day and there were no fires in the area nor had Vandenburg AFB launched anything that night according to their web site. Although it was New Year's Eve, none of us had anything alcoholic to drink.

Posted 2014-02-14

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